Motivate for Creativity
Motivate is one of the Create 8 skills for boosting creativity. Whether you’re trying to finish a project, thinking of better solutions, or dealing with change, developing the skill of motivation is critical.

Motivation is one of the key skills for boosting creativity. Whether you’re trying to finish a project, think of better solutions, or deal with change, developing the skill of motivation is critical. It’s important to understand that motivation isn’t just one thing—it’s a combination of reasons, feelings, and the willingness behind all our actions and behaviors.
Types of Motivation
Motivation has two primary sources: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within and is driven by personal satisfaction and the desire to engage in an activity because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is driven by external rewards or pressures, such as money, grades, or praise.
While both types of motivation are necessary for our survival and well-being, creativity is best supported by intrinsic motivation. When you are intrinsically motivated, you are more likely to think outside the box and explore new ideas because you are driven by genuine interest and passion
Motivate Practice: Let Your Passions Guide You
To practice intrinsic motivation, start by identifying your passions—those concepts or activities that bring you the greatest joy, happiness, fun, or excitement. Here’s a simple exercise to help you connect with your intrinsic motivation:
List Your Passions: Write down the activities or concepts that you are passionate about.
Describe Your Feelings: Next to each passion, describe the emotions you experience when engaging with them.
Connect to Your Life: Try to connect these passions to various activities in your life. The more you can integrate your passions into your daily routine, the more joy you will feel. Joy and happiness are essential fuels for creativity
Meditation for MotivatioN
Practicing mindfulness can also help you tap into your intrinsic motivation. Here’s a simple mindfulness exercise to get you started:
Sit Comfortably: Find a comfortable place to sit.
Focus on Your Breath: Close your eyes or lower your gaze. Inhale through your nose, sending your breath into your belly. Exhale through your nose, feeling your breath leave your belly. Take several deep breaths.
Ask Yourself: Inhale again, sending your breath to your belly. As you exhale, ask yourself, “What do I really want?”
Be Open: Breathe normally and allow an answer to arise naturally. Do not force a response. It’s okay if nothing comes to mind immediately; both experiences are valid.
Repeat: Continue breathing normally. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath and ask yourself again, “What do I really want?”
Set a timer for 3 minutes and practice this mindfulness exercise regularly to help align your actions with your true desires and intrinsic motivations.
By focusing on your intrinsic motivation and practicing mindfulness, you can enhance your creative abilities and find more joy and fulfillment in your endeavors
Living Creatively
Motivation is a key skill for boosting creativity. Motivation is a blend of reasons, feelings, and willingness behind actions. The two main types of motivation are intrinsic (driven by personal satisfaction and interest) and extrinsic (driven by external rewards). Creativity is best supported by intrinsic motivation because it encourages exploration and innovation.
To practice intrinsic motivation, individuals should identify and integrate their passions into their daily lives, as joy and happiness fuel creativity. Mindfulness exercise help to connect with intrinsic motivation by focusing on breathing and asking oneself, “What do I really want?” This practice helps align actions with true desires and enhances creative potential.