Generate for Creativity
Generate is one of the Create 8 skills for boosting creativity. Whether you’re solving problems, finding solutions, or adapting to change, developing the skill of generating ideas is crucial.

At the core of creativity, generate involves producing new or novel ideas. The more ideas you or your organization generate, the better the chances of achieving creative solutions. This process is vital for innovation, as it allows you to explore multiple options and select the best one.
Generating ideas also requires flexibility, incorporating and rethinking old ideas to inspire new creative thoughts. Often, combining or modifying existing ideas leads to innovative outcomes.
Brainstorming, a method introduced by Alex Osborne for business organizations, is a well-known technique for generating ideas. By suspending judgment and encouraging the free flow of ideas, brainstorming benefits both entrepreneurs and individuals in everyday life.
To enhance the creative skill of generating ideas, practice producing as many ideas as possible during low-stakes situations. These are times when the solution isn’t crucial, such as standing in line, sitting in a waiting room, watching a commercial, or walking the dog. Whenever you have idle time, make generating ideas a go-to activity.
Generate Practice: Names That Start With…
Next time you’re waiting in line, focus on a name you see—whether it’s on a clerk’s name tag, a sign, or another customer. Start by generating as many names as possible that begin with the first letter of the name you noticed. For example, if the name is “Tina,” think of all the names that start with “T.” Once you’ve run out of ideas, move on to the next letter, “I,” and repeat the process. If you get stuck, challenge yourself to come up with one more name before switching letters. The goal is to keep generating names until it’s your turn with the clerk.
Meditation for Generate
Choose a peaceful music recording that you find calming.
Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor.
Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, filling your lungs.
Exhale slowly through your nose.
Focus on your breath as you listen to the soothing music.
If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to your breath.
Continue this practice until the music ends, then slowly open your eyes.
living creatively
Generating ideas is a key skill for enhancing creativity and is one of the Create 8 skills. It involves producing new or novel ideas, which is crucial for solving problems, finding solutions, and adapting to change. Generating more ideas increases the likelihood of achieving creative solutions and innovation by exploring multiple options and selecting the best one. Flexibility is also essential, as it involves rethinking old ideas to inspire new ones. Techniques like brainstorming, introduced by Alex Osborne, encourage the free flow of ideas by suspending judgment.
To practice generating ideas, one can produce as many ideas as possible during low-stakes situations, like waiting in line or walking the dog. For instance, if you notice a name like “Tina,” think of as many names starting with “T” as possible, then move on to the next letter.
Additionally, mindfulness practice can aid in generating ideas. Choose calming music, sit straight, and focus on deep, slow breathing while listening to the music. If your mind wanders, gently refocus on your breath. Continue until the music ends, then slowly open your eyes. This practice helps clear the mind and fosters creativity.