Originate for Creativity

Originate for Creativity Originate is a Create 8 skill that enhance creativity. Whether you’re solving problems, navigating relationships, or adapting to change, building the creative skill, originate, can help. Originate – Create 8 Originate Origination is the process of generating new and unique ideas. This…

Risk for Creativity

Risk for Creativity Risk is one of the essential skills for boosting creativity, as outlined in the Create 8 framework. Whether you’re tackling a challenging task, taking action, or weighing the consequences, developing your risk-taking abilities is crucial. Risk – Create 8   Creativity involves change,…

Play for Creativity

Play for Creativity Play is one of the essential skills for boosting creativity, as outlined in the Create 8 framework. Learning and creativity go hand in hand. All humans learn best through play. Play – Create 8   From the time we are born, play is…

Motivate for Creativity

Motivate for Creativity Motivate is one of the Create 8 skills for boosting creativity. Whether you’re trying to finish a project, thinking of better solutions, or dealing with change, developing the skill of motivation is critical. Motivate – Create 8   Motivation is one of…

Generate for Creativity

Generate for Creativity Generate is one of the Create 8 skills for boosting creativity. Whether you’re solving problems, finding solutions, or adapting to change, developing the skill of generating ideas is crucial. Generate – Create 8   At the core of creativity, generate involves producing…

Communicate for Creativity

Communicate for Creativity Communication is one of the Create 8 skills essential for boosting creativity. Whether you’re trying to explain an idea, share a better solution, or discuss change, developing the skill of communication is invaluable. Communicate – Create 8   Most originally generated ideas…

Think for Creativity

Think for Creativity “Think” is one of the Create 8 skills essential for boosting creativity. Whether you’re trying to generate ideas or select the best solution, developing your thinking is beneficial. Think – Create 8   Creative thinking requires more than just brainstorming; it involves…

Open for Creativity

Open for Creativity   Openness is one of the Create 8 skills essential for boosting creativity. Whether you’re trying to generate ideas, find a better solution, or deal with change, developing openness is a valuable skill. Open – Create 8   Being open means coping…

8 Skills to Unlock Your Creative Potential

8 Skills to Unlock Creative Potential In our modern world, creativity is no longer viewed as a mystical gift bestowed upon a lucky few. It’s not just the realm of artists and poets, nor is it confined to the walls of an art class. Thanks to groundbreaking research in…

WISE HD at Creative Problem Solving Institute

WISE HD’s Dr. Mel presents at the 2024 Creative Problem Solving Institute conference. This year’s event occurs from June 23 – 27 at Niagara University, NY .   Dr. Mel delivers Create 8: Unlocking Creative Education to answer an important question. Why isn’t creativity a school subject? Create 8…